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/ The Arsenal Files 7 / The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO / doorware / oxv300.zip

Jump To: Archive (1)  |  Image (51)  |  Font (10)  |  Text (29)  |  Other (6)

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
OXICON.ZIP PKZip Archive 16 4KB 1996-05-17

Images (51)

Fonts (10)
NamePreview NamePreview

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (15KB)
No Preview Available  EURO.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (8KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (18KB)
No Preview Available  LCOM.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (12KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (5KB)
No Preview Available  SANS.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (14KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (11KB)
No Preview Available  SIMP.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (8KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (17KB)
No Preview Available  TSCR.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1996-05-17 (17KB)
No Preview Available

Text (29)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
!README.1ST Text File 141 6KB 1996-05-17
ARSENAL.96 Text File 30 1KB 1995-12-31
BADCFG.ASC Text File 16 787b 1996-05-17
BUGRPT.FRM Text File 76 4KB 1996-05-17
CONTESTS.TXT Text File 7 84b 1996-05-17
DESC.SDI Text File 10 339b 1996-05-17
ENERGAME.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1996-05-17
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 339b 1996-05-17
HIREHELP.ASC Text File 5 286b 1996-05-17
HISTORY.TXT Text File 228 10KB 1996-05-17
IDCONFIG.ASC Text File 18 963b 1996-05-17
INSTALL.BAT DOS Batch File 72 3KB 1996-05-17
INTERBBS.DOC Text File 269 13KB 1996-05-17
INTLREG.DOC Text File 75 4KB 1996-05-17
IRONOX.ASC Text File 17 556b 1996-05-17
IRONOX.SAM Text File 201 8KB 1996-05-17
LUXGAME.ASC Text File 19 930b 1996-05-17
OREGAME.ASC Text File 21 1KB 1996-05-17
OXDOC.DOC Text File 836 44KB 1996-05-17
OXNODES.SAM Text File 35 472b 1996-05-17
OXTIPS.DOC Text File 437 20KB 1996-05-17
PIZZA.TXT Text File 27 1KB 1996-05-17
PTURNS.ASC Text File 15 757b 1996-05-17
RACECHC.ASC Text File 11 661b 1996-05-17
REGISTER.FRM Text File 98 4KB 1996-05-17
SAMPLE.BAT DOS Batch File 69 4KB 1996-05-17
SHERIFF.ASC Text File 13 670b 1996-05-17
SONIC.ASC Text File 13 565b 1996-05-17
SYSOP.DOC Text File 1,052 51KB 1996-05-17

Other Files (6)
IRONOX.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 764KB 1996-05-17
OXCONFIG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 94KB 1996-05-17
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1996-05-17
OXBLANK.ICN Null Bytes Alternating 438b 1996-05-17
RIPLINK.FNT Unknown 18KB 1996-05-17
TEXT.OVR Unknown 120KB 1996-05-17